Evaluation of Climate Change

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Climate-ITIG preliminary purpose is to share knowledge and information on ongoing and past evaluations of policies, programs and projects which addressed climate change mitigation and adaptation at global, regional, national and community level.

Climate-ITIG intends to contribute to the work of IDEAS in evaluations of climate change mitigation and adaptation providing case-studies and examples of good practices adopted in climate evaluations carried out in different geographical and organizational contexts and analyze how CC impact criteria, CC M&E frameworks and theory of change logic is currently operated.

Proposed activities

  • Definition of Climate-ITIG objectives and scope of activities based on consultation with the group members.
  • In view of the IDEAS Global Assembly (GA) 2013 (Barbados) – preparation of an IDEAS endorsed position paper on the role of evaluations of climate change (mitigation and adaptation) as +substantial element to the effectiveness of poverty reduction and development interventions.
  • Identification of relevant case studies and existing good practices in evaluation of climate change (mitigation and adaptation) involving national and community-based interventions to be shared among the IDEAS community and relevant stakeholders.
  • Production of ad-hoc working papers on climate evaluations’ practices and tools based on emerging opportunities within IDEAS or other international partners.
  • Development of training material which can be used by IDEAS and relevant stakeholders to guide the design and implementation of M&E systems and Knowledge Management System of climate investments and intervention at different levels.
  • Support the development of practical CC M&E tools, frameworks and indicators specifically focused on CC M&E at different level of operations.  
  • Collaborate with and strengthen existing communities of practice to enhance IDEAS network and ensure high standards of competence.
  • Identify opportunities for IDEAS to reach out to development practitioners to disseminate climate change evaluation knowledge.


Ed-ITIG Leader

Christine Wörlen

Go to the Climate-ITIG Google Drive


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