Evaluation in Contexts of Fragility, Conflict, and Violence
Editors: Hur Hassnain, Lauren Kelly, Simona Somma
In July, 2021, the International Development Evaluation Association released a book on “Evaluation in the Contexts of Fragility, Conflict and Violence”, a practical guidance from global evaluation practitioners. The book shows a diverse set of perspectives and experiences on sensitive issues when measuring change in unpredictable, complex, and violent situations.
This book presents an interesting argument that ‘evaluation’ – like development aid itself – can unintentionally exacerbate tensions in ways that can negatively affect people and institutions if care is not taken in designing and approaching it with caution and sensitivity. The concepts of gender and conflict sensitivity is widely discussed in the book, along with real time case examples, useful tips and further reading references.
With the Covid-19 pandemic this book is relevant across the globe, but it could be specifically targeted to the two billion people living in countries where development outcomes are affected by multiples layers of fragility. These issues altogether are a threat to social and economic development globally.
Hur Hassnain provided overall leadership and management in writing and developing the book. The book’s co-authors were Anupam Anand, Inga-Lill Aronsson, Sarah Davies, Gabrielle Duffy, Lauren Kelly, Wanda Krause, Keiko Kuji-Shikatani, Marco Lorenzoni, Rhiannon McHugh, Emma Rotondo, Wendy Rowe, Simona Somma, Melinda Sutherland and Serge Eric Yakeu.
The material of this book has been presented on various platforms including the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development/Development Assistance Committee’s EvalNet and the United Nations Evaluation Group Partnership Forum in June 2020, the U.K. Department for International Development’s Evaluation Cadre Professional Development Conference in January 2020, and the IDEAS Global Assembly in Prague in October 2019. The authors’ own contributions were greatly enriched through robust discussions and group work at various forums and workshops showing a diversity of perspectives and experiences on sensitive issues when measuring change in unpredictable, complex, and violent situations. Mitigating these challenges can entail significant effort, and can sometimes require redefining the direction, purpose, or scope of the evaluation. Read more about it in this book of its own kind.
You can find the recordings of the Book Launch events:
- Asia Pacific Launch – Tuesday, 29th of June 2021, HERE
- The Americas Launch – Thursday, July 8th, 2021, HERE.
Get in touch with the Corresponding Author, Hur Hassnain at
Follow the updates and latest news on Twitter: @HurHassnain
Reviews and Endorsements:
- This book is both important and timely. Use the wisdom and insights in this book to enhance your work on behalf of all of us. Michael Quinn Patton, Utilization-Focused Evaluation & Blue Marble Evaluation
- Many of the elements included in this book will have an immediate purpose in strengthening the work of my own evaluation function at the WFP. Andrea Cook, World Food Programme
- I invite all VOPEs to disseminate and promote the use of this book. Silvia Salinas Mulder, IOCE
- This publication is a welcome initiative reminding development practitioners that during conflicts and pandemics and in fragile circumstances in general, M&E matter more than ever. Marvin Taylor-Dormond, Asian Development Bank
- The wealth of examples from the field, combined with the extensive review of applicable evaluation methods will be found invaluable by both new and experienced evaluators. Michael Bamberger
- I encourage development practitioners to read this guidance. Fragility and conflict are among the most serious hurdles to achieving the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. Fabrizio Felloni, International Fund for Agricultural Development
- I highly recommend it. Linda Morra Imas, IPDET
- This book provides useful advice from the early stages of understanding power and conflict to the final stages of reporting findings, with practical information about choosing methods and protecting staff and communities. Patricia Rogers, BetterEvaluation
- This is an important, useful book to produce good-quality evidence while making real-world choices along the way about costs, data, rigour and methods. Jyotsna Puri, IFAD
- This book is a great resource. Asela Kalugampitiya
- This book is an important step in enhancing our repertoire for designing and conducting meaningful evaluations in challenging contexts defined by FCV. Juha I. Uitto, Global Environment Facility
- This book is essential for all evaluators, especially, YEEs. Khalil Bitar
- This book fulfils a long-standing need to provide technical insights on conducting evaluations in contexts of fragility, conflict, and violence. Marco Segone, United Nations Population Fund & EvalPartners