Call for Nomination of IDEAS Board Members

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Call for Nomination of IDEAS Board Members

Three positions in IDEAS Board are open by the end of March 2022: Treasurer, Representative from North America, and Representative from South Asia, East Asia, Oceania and the Pacific. The IDEAS Board and the Election Committee highly appreciates the unique roles and valuable contributions provided by the outgoing Board members who will complete their second terms and cannot be re-elected – Jérôme Gandin, Marie-Hélène Adrien, and Hur Hassnain.

All IDEAS members in good standing can be nominated for the position of IDEAS Treasurer. Members from North America and from South Asia, East Asia, Oceania and the Pacific will be eligible candidates for representing these respective regions in the IDEAS Board. Candidates for all open positions will be very welcome. Please refer to Annex A for Board Members responsibilities.



The current composition of the Board is as shown below – outgoing members are highlighted.

NOMINATIONS must be made on the nomination form and e-mailed to the IDEAS Coordinator: Nominations must be received between 21st February 2022 and 14th March 2022 at midnight UTC – a period of three weeks. Nominations received after the closing date and time will be invalid. 



The IDEAS Constitution (December 2018) stipulates that the positions of President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary are open to all IDEAS members in good standing (i.e. whose fees are paid at the time of the nomination announcement), regardless of nationality. The positions of the six regular Board members are open for members in good standing who are nationals of the following regions (one Board member per region):

  1. South Asia, East Asia, Oceania and the Pacific
  2. Sub-Saharan Africa
  3. Middle East & North Africa
  4. Europe & Central Asia
  5. Latin America & the Caribbean
  6. North America

The list of countries making up each of the six global regions is based upon the World Bank (WB) list of regions as of February 2022.

The 2022 election process will seek to elect a Treasurer, one Board member for the region of North America, and one Board member for the region of South Asia, East Asia, Oceania and the Pacific. This will ensure that all six global regions are represented by the six regular Board members.

Please refer to the election by-laws, available on the IDEAS website under Foundational Documents.


  1. The nomination process will start on Monday 21st February 2022.
  2. The Board, according to by-laws under the Constitution, has established a three-person Election Committee, comprising:
  • Doha Abdelhamid (F), MENA, IDEAS life member, past Board member
  • Frederic Martin (M), North America, IDEAS life member, past Board member
  • Ana Borges (F), Latin America & Caribbean, IDEAS life member, past Board member
  1. Nominations must be made using the nomination form (see separate attachment).
  2. Nominations must be seconded by another paid up member and must also be supported by the following:
  • the nominee’s written acceptance of the nomination;
  • a bio sketch (limited to a maximum of 2 pages);
  • a photo (jpg format);
  • a copy of the first page of the passport, as proof of nationality; 
  • a statement of intent detailing the reasons for the member’s interest in serving on the IDEAS Board;
  • a statement that he/she will serve if elected and will meet and fulfill the duties and obligations placed on him/her as a Board member of IDEAS.

In its requirements and care for data regarding the elections, IDEAS follows the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (GDPR). The purpose of this information is to admit a nominee to the election process and to inform the members about the nominees, with the exception of the copy of the first page of the passport, which is not published for the members of IDEAS, but kept in an archive folder by the IDEAS Coordinator. For nominees that do not meet the requirements to take part in the election, no information will be kept. For nominees that enter the elections, all information except the passport will be published on the IDEAS website. After the election, information regarding non-elected applicants will be deleted. The information regarding those who were elected will be kept by the IDEAS Coordinator for the duration of their Board membership.

  1. Members may make up to three nominations for each vacancy.
  • For the position of the Treasurer, all IDEAS members in good standing are eligible to be nominated. All IDEAS members whose fees are paid at the time of the nomination announcement can vote for the nominated candidates in this position;
  • Only evaluators coming from the North America region, and from the South Asia, East Asia, Oceania and the Pacific region can be nominated to represent these respective regions in the Board. All IDEAS members whose fees are paid at the time of the nomination announcement can vote for the nominated candidates in this position regardless of their region. This is based on the idea that while the Board member represents his/her region in the Board, he/she also represents the Board in his/her region.
  1. The Nomination Committee will review all nominations.
  2. The election schedule is as follows (all times are UTC)



Election information will be posted to the IDEAS
document library on an ongoing basis. To access this folder, members must login to the IDEAS website (username and password required), go to Resources, Members Documents, IDEAS members documents library, folder “Elections”.


Doha Abdelhamid, Frederic Martin, and Ana Borges

IDEAS Election Committee


Annex A.  IDEAS Board Members Responsibilities

A duly elected Board member of IDEAS (the International Development Evaluation Association) is expected to fulfill the following duties. S/he will:

  1. Participate fully in the work of the Board, by:
  • Attending official Board meetings.
  • Responding to requests for comments and inputs to Board meeting agendas and minutes.
  • Participating in subcommittees of the Board (as assigned by the Executive or on a voluntary basis).
  • Being available for ad hoc meetings as notified and arranged in advance by the IDEAS Secretary.
  1. Serve IDEAS on a voluntary basis, receiving no financial payment for work as a Board member.
  2. Receive reasonable compensation for costs incurred in carrying out Board-related duties, whilst ensuring that any costs incurred are kept to a minimum.
  1. Abide by accepted codes and standards of conduct as a serving Board member. Specifically, the incumbent will:
  • Avoid actual or potential conflicts of interest and never act for personal gain or for the benefit of another organization at the expense of IDEAS.
  • Be faithful to the mission of IDEAS and act consistently with its central goals.
  1. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations of IDEAS.
  2. Respect the confidentiality of all information received by IDEAS in verbal, digital, or written form.
  3. Actively promote IDEAS and recruit new members when opportunities present.
  4. Ensure s/he has a reliable means of communication and can be contacted by the Board, via email, telephone or cellular phone at all times.
  5. Contribute regularly to the IDEAS website by submitting papers, news articles and digital photographs, and by sharing recommended sources with the IDEAS Coordinator.
  6. Remain accountable to the membership of IDEAS.
  7. Accept that, if s/he is not able to fulfill these obligations as a Board member to the satisfaction of the Board, that the Executive Committee has the right and obligation to ask for and receive his/her resignation and to find a suitable replacement for him/her on the Board of IDEAS.

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